• 26 base 10    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 鴻益企業社(格子趣竹科店)


      電話:03-5632365    地址:新竹縣金山街141號1樓
    2. 天使熊義大利麵

      平價 義大利麵紅醬(tomato base) 青醬(basil base) 白醬(cream base) 黃醬(curry base) 蒜辣(garlic base)意大利麵亦會根據粗細度分種類,以1-16為編號,1號為最細的Angel’s Hair(天使意粉capellini),而一般常見的意大利麵約為5號。較細的意粉會稱為spag...

      電話:02-25670068    地址:台北市中山區松江路334號2樓地圖
    3. Plus Ing Co.

      Plus Ing Co. is a specialist of high quality metal-based jewelry in a very wide variety including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches & finger rings. Office is based in Taipei, Taiwan while production is located in Dongguan China. We are capable to apply tin alloyed metal, brass or even to 925 ...

      電話:02-82457545    地址:台北市松山區復興北路15號10F-4
    4. 台灣實證醫學學會

      國內自1996年開始推展實證醫學(Evidence-Based Medicine, EBM)迄今已屆十年,在各醫療機構、研究單位及各專科學協會的努力推廣下,EBM應用於臨床醫療、醫學教育、乃至提供衛生政策研擬的重要性日受肯定,醫療團隊包括護理、藥...

      電話:02-29307930    地址:台北市南港區園區街3號10樓南港軟體園區F棟(國衛院轉)
    5. 資勝科技有限公司

      We, Data Surpass Technology Co., Ltd., a Taiwan based company integrating advance and unique skills in providing our valued customers professional support and sharing creative idea. We conduct our business under the philosophy of Innovation, Accuracy and Vitalism. Our total solution includes GPS/GNS...

      電話:04-23758805    地址:台中市西區中美街22號1樓

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